Thursday, September 17, 2009

It Has Happened/Nice To Meet You.

Well, I guess it couldn't have been too much longer before it happened. It finally sucked me in. The guilty emptiness I feel from sucking so much out of the internet has collapsed. I have to give back. I have to tell you my opinion, now. I have to write a blog. Web-log. Internet journal. I've never had a diary before. I've never had a log before. I've had a livejournal, but who among us would count that? So why not start now? I'll even let all three of my friends who read blogs see what I have to say on a semi-irregular basis. Seems redundant though, that I would write a blog for friends who I talk to every day to read. So who am I writing this for, really? Not my friends. Myself? No, I don't need to give myself up to thoughts of the masses for myself. But, I could still give myself up to the masses. So I will. In that case, this blog is for those of you who aren't my friends, and who aren't me. For people I don't know, who may find what I have to say interesting, worth reading, educational, thought-provoking, etc... Or not. Maybe it's for people who just want something to do to pass the time. That's fine. You all have one thing in common, though: you don't know me. And I don't know you. It'd be hard for everyone who could potentially read this to introduce themselves to me, so I'll just introduce myself to you all. Also, it's my blog, so I don't really need to know you. Let's begin with an introduction.